Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Error Handling in Transactions using Try/Catch

In this post I will explain Error handling concept with Try/Catch construct in SQL Code.

What happens when error occurred in a transaction ?
If you are not using Try/Catch construct and error occurred in an explicit transaction then transaction will be in one of two states.
  1. No open Transactions
  2. Active but committable transaction
If you are using Try/Catch construct and error occurred in the try block then transaction can be in third state, which is
  1. Active but uncommittable transaction (Failed State)

Active but uncommittable transaction (Failed State) :
In this transaction state, transaction will be in active state but you can't commit changes done in the transaction and also you can only read data, because to modify data in failed state, you first need to rollback failed transaction then apply modification statement in the new transaction.

Errors with a severity level of 17 and higher, but not 20 or higher, cause a transaction to enter this failed state. You can make all errors under severity 20 enter failed state by setting the XACT_ABORT session option to ON. In failed state, transaction keep locks on the resources it locked at the beginning of the transaction. Any time you can rollback the transaction and begin new transaction. You can use this state to query data, to investigate the reason of error. you should finish investigation as soon as possible and rollback transaction, because you are holding resources locked, preventing others from holding these resources.

Error Handling with transaction states :
Here I will explain error handling using XACT_STATE session option. XACT_STATE is a function that you invoke in the CATCH block to get the current transaction state. It returns 0 for no active transaction, 1 for active and committable, and –1 for active but uncommittable. Run following code for demonstration of Error handling using XACT_STATE session option.

Listing 1:

Use Tempdb;



INSERT INTO dbo.MyTestTable(id, name)
VALUES(1, 'Ashish');
/* other activity */
PRINT 'Code completed successfully.';
PRINT 'Error: ' + CAST(ERROR_NUMBER() AS VARCHAR(10)) + ' found.';
IF (XACT_STATE()) = -1
PRINT 'Transaction is open but uncommittable.';
/* ...investigate data... */
/* ...handle the error... */
PRINT 'Transaction is open and committable.';
/* ...handle error... */
PRINT 'No open transaction.';
/* ...handle error... */

This code inserts single row with id=1 into the MyTestTable table using an explicit transaction in the TRY block. In the CATCH block XACT_STATE() option is used to know the current state of transaction and execute statements based on current state. First time, when you run this code it executes successfully and you will get following output.

Error: 2627 found.
Transaction is open and committable.

Because the primary key violation is not treated as severe error, it neither completely terminates nor failed the transaction. Rather, the transaction remains open and committable. To see an example where the transaction fails, you can simply set XACT_ABORT to ON, and rerun the code in Listing 1:

-- run code in listing 10-3

This time, you get the following output:

Error: 2627 found.
Transaction is open but uncommittable.

Hope you find this post good. If you have any questions or want to share your thoughts on this topic please write in the comment section.

Monday, 28 November 2011

PIVOT and UNPIVOT T-SQL Operator : Part 2 (UNPIVOT)

In my previous post I explained about Pivoting using PIVOT operator or Standard SQL. In this post I will explain Unpivoting in SQL. I suggest you to read my previous post on Pivoting ( This will help you to understand unpivoting better.

Unpivoting Data :
Unpivoting is the technique to rotate from state of column to state of rows. It involves querying the pivoted state of data, producing out of each input to multiple output rows. It is very difficult to understand Unpivoting by definition, here I will explain unpivoting with example.

For demonstration puppose please run the following code in Listing 1.1. Hear I am creating projects table and filling it with sample data. Then I create 'MgrClientProject' table. Which is filled with rows of resultset that we got by Pivoting data of Projects table for manager and clients. 

USE tempdb;

IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.Projects', 'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE dbo.Projects;

CREATE TABLE dbo.Projects
projectid INT NOT NULL,
admissiondate DATE NOT NULL,
clientid VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL,
daysCount INT NOT NULL,

INSERT INTO dbo.Projects(projectid, admissiondate, mgrid, clientid, daysCount)
(30001, '20090802', 3, 'A', 10),
(10001, '20091224', 2, 'A', 12),
(10005, '20091224', 1, 'B', 20),
(40001, '20100109', 2, 'A', 40),
(10006, '20100118', 1, 'C', 14),
(20001, '20100212', 2, 'B', 12),
(40005, '20110212', 3, 'A', 10),
(20002, '20110216', 1, 'C', 20),
(30003, '20110418', 2, 'B', 15),
(30004, '20090418', 3, 'C', 22),
(30007, '20110907', 3, 'D', 30);

Select mgrid, [A], [B], [C], [D]
INTO MgrClientProject
from (Select mgrid, clientid, daysCount from dbo.Projects) as D
PIVOT (SUM(daysCount) FOR clientid in (A,B,C,D)) as P;

Select * from MgrClientProject

Here is the output of the query to select rows of MgrClientProject table.
mgrid A B C D
1 NULL 20 34 NULL
2 52 27 NULL NULL
3 20 NULL 22 30

The table has rows for each manager and column for each client and in the intersection of mgrid and clientid we have daysCount values for the projects. For each irrelevent combination of manager and client we have null in the intersection. We are requested to give unpivoted data from this table. We need to generate output having rows for each mgrid and client along with their dayscount value of their project. The desired output should be this.

mgrid clientid daysCount
1 B 20
1 C 34
2 A 52
2 B 27
3 A 20
3 C 22
3 D 30

Unpivoting involves implementing three logical processing phases : producing copies, extracting elements and eliminating irrelevent intersections.

We can do Unpivoting in two ways.
a) By standard SQL
b) By T-SQL UNPIVOT operator

a) By standard SQL
Unpivoting with Standard Sql implements all three logical phases in very explicit manner.

The first step involves producing multiple copies of input rows. We need to create copies of input rows for each column in the source table. In our our example we have four colums : A, B, C, D. Each colum represents clientid values. We need to do cross join between MgrClientProject table with the table having rows for each client.

To get table having rows for each client we will use table value constructor in the form of a VALUES clause to create a virtual table with a row for each client. Table value constructor is new feature in SQL Server 2008. Following is the query to do cross Join of MgrClientProject table with the table values constructor having each client value.

Select * from dbo.MgrClientProject
CROSS JOIN (Values('A'),('B'),('C'),('D')) AS P(clientid);

The output of this query is.
mgrid A B C D clientid
1 NULL 20 34 NULL A
1 NULL 20 34 NULL B
1 NULL 20 34 NULL C
1 NULL 20 34 NULL D
2 52 27 NULL NULL A
2 52 27 NULL NULL B
2 52 27 NULL NULL C
2 52 27 NULL NULL D
3 20 NULL 22 30 A
3 20 NULL 22 30 B
3 20 NULL 22 30 C
3 20 NULL 22 30 D

As you can see that four copies of each input rows is created for each Client : A, B, C, D

Next Step is to create new column, let say daysCount, for each mgrid and and custid (newly created colum) combination. The daysCount value will be based on custid value. For example when custid values is 'A' then daysCount value will be the value of colum A, when custid values is 'B' then daysCount value will be the value of colum B. We will use case expression for each custid value to get daysCount value. Here is the query.

Select mgrid, clientid,
CASE WHEN clientid='A' then A
WHEN clientid='B' then B
WHEN clientid='C' then C
WHEN clientid='D' then D END AS daysCount
from dbo.MgrClientProject
CROSS JOIN (Values('A'),('B'),('C'),('D')) AS P(clientid)

The output of this query is.
mgrid clientid daysCount
1 B 20
1 C 34
2 A 52
2 B 27
3 A 20
3 C 22
3 D 30

The third step is to eliminate irrelevent rows where we have NULL value in daysCount column.
Following is final query is to produce Unpivoted result that I have shown in Fig 1.2.

Select * from (Select mgrid, clientid,
CASE WHEN clientid='A' then A
WHEN clientid='B' then B
WHEN clientid='C' then C
WHEN clientid='D' then D END AS daysCount
from dbo.MgrClientProject
CROSS JOIN (Values('A'),('B'),('C'),('D')) AS P(clientid)) AS D
WHERE daysCount is not NULL

b) By T-SQL UNPIVOT operator
Unpivoting data means producing two colums from all colums of input table other then group by colum. In our example input table is MgrClientProject and two output colums created will be custid having values(A, B, C, D) and daysCount.

The standard format of T-SQL UNPIVOT operator is.
FROM <source_table_or_table_expression>
FOR <target_col_to_hold_source_col_names> IN(<list_of_source_columns>)) AS

Like PIVOT operator UNPIVOT operator also works as a table operator. In the UNPIVOT operator we need to specify result column name (daysCount in our case) that will have input table spreading column values(A, B, C, D column values in our case). We will specify result coulmn name that will have input table colum names(A, B, C, D column name in our case) and in parenthesis we need to specify input colum names(A, B, C, D column name in our case). We will close the parenthesis and give alias name to the table resulting from UNPIVOT table operator. Following is the Final query to Unpivot MgrClientProject table using T-SQL UNPIVOT operator. This query will result Output exactly like Fig1.2.

Select mgrid, clientid, daysCount
from dbo.MgrClientProject
UNPIVOT(daysCount FOR clientid in (A,B,C,D)) as P;

Note that the UNPIVOT operator implements the same logical processing phases described earlier -- generating copies, extracting elements, and eliminating NULL intersections. The last phase is not an optional phase as in the solution based on standard SQL.

Unpivoting does not necessarilly bring back original table before pivoting. Because Pivoting can cause data loss which can't be bring back by pivoting the data.

Post comment and queries on this topic and share your thoughts with me.
Hope you will like this post.